When is the right time to start playing again after a concussion?
The standard practice for athletes recovering from a concussion is to follow the "return-to-sport strategy," a six-stage program supervised by a health professional that outlines which physical activities are allowed, based on the athlete's symptoms and their severity.
How to Avoid Shoulder Pain at Work
Long periods of physical work involving positioning the arms over the shoulder and excessive load on the shoulders are common direct causes of shoulder pain.
Shoulder pain affects 1 in 4 adults
There are a number of issues that can cause shoulder pain, including osteoarthritis, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory disorders, or osteonecrosis which impacts blood flow to the humerus.
Treatment Options for Calcific Tendonitis of the Shoulder
Calcific tendonitis is a common source of shoulder pain and can be a frustration given the severity of pain and the duration of symptoms. However, the news is not all bad! On a positive note, the vast majority of patients do find relief with nonsurgical treatments for this condition. In fact, studies have shown about 75 percent success with simple steps for treatment. While treatment often takes 3 to 6 months, there are typically improvements without having to undergo a surgical procedure.
An Overview of Shoulder Blade Pain
Shoulder blade pain can have many different causes. Although you may assume you sustained an injury or simply slept in the wrong way, the pain might actually be related to your heart, lungs, spine, abdomen, or pelvis. In cases like these, the pain may be referred, meaning that a problem in one part of the body excites nerves that trigger pain in another part of the body, such as your shoulder blade.